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The next five years (2025 - 2030)

We're proud to present our business plan for 2025–2030. What our customers want shapes what we do, and our business plan focuses on the next five years of that journey. It reflects new requirements from our regulators and the feedback we’ve had from our customers and our stakeholders. It’s helped drive the pace and scope of our plan and our long-term ambitions.

What is our purpose?

We’re focused on building our resilience and providing a long-term sustainable supply of high-quality water, while protecting our environment for our communities – now and in the future.

What is our aim?

Our aim is to provide efficient and affordable services, both now and in the long term.

Our long-term ambitions

These are focused on four key areas:

  • The Environment 
  • Resilience
  • Our customers
  • Our communities

Read our plan and supporting evidence below. Take a look at how we've engaged customers with our plans and what they told us.

Our PR24 team who helped create the business plan

Our business plan 2025 - 2030

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Post submission publications

Latest information on our PR24 business plan


Since the submission of our PR24 business plan to Ofwat in October 2023, we have made changes to parts of our plan. These have been in response to requests from Ofwat or other regulators and to clarify some points in our original plan. The result of these changes to date is that Ofwat are now considering a PR24 business plan for Affinity Water that includes total expenditure of £2,127 million (up from £2,124 million in our October 2023 plan) and average annual customer bills of £217 by 2030, the same as in our October 2023 plan. Ofwat's draft determinations will be based on this expenditure and these bills.

The reason for the change to our total expenditure for PR24 and associated average annual customer bills is as a result of minor changes to align our WRMP and business plan and to correct a small number of inaccuracies. 

Calculation of PR24 business plan costs for publication - March 2024

PR24 - Part 1 Commentary - Outcomes (post submission 16-11-23)

PR24 - Part 3 Commentary - Costs (wholesale) water (post submission 16-11-23)

AFW - PR24 BP Tables V6 - Post submission update 25 January 2024

AFW - PR24 BP Tables V6 - Post submission update 8 February 2024

WINEP Reconciliation Model

Residential Retail Reconciliation Model

Our long term plan 2025 - 2050 (PDF 8.16MB)

PR24 Business Plan


Data tables commentary

Data tables

Financial models

Our business plan 2020 - 2025

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Revised Business Plan for 2020 to 2025

After our Business Plan for 2020 to 2025 was submitted to Ofwat in September 2018 after a review from Ofwat we received feedback from them in January 2019. We have carefully listened to Ofwat’s feedback and improved our September plan in a range of specific areas to deliver even more for our customers and communities.

We are going to do more for less, by:

  • Reducing the average household bill. We now plan to reduce our average bill by 1.6% in real terms by 2025 compared to an increase of 2.1% in our September Plan;
  • Stretching ourselves further through our commitments, including on leakage where we have increased our reduction target from 15% to 18.5% (equivalent to 30 Ml/d);
  • Adding additional commitments that are dedicated to supporting customers in vulnerable circumstances, and those who will benefit from our Priority Services Register.

All the detail is included in our Revised Plan below.



Business plan for 2020 to 2025

Our Business Plan 2020 to 2025 (PDF 20.7MB)
Our Business Plan 2020 to 2025 Executive Summary (PDF 1.1MB)
Our Business Plan 2020 to 2025 Board Assurance Statement (PDF 1.8MB)

Ofwat pro forma

Business Plan Presentation Pro-forma (PDF 3.4MB)
Business Plan Presentation Guidance Tables (XLSX 127KB)
Bill Waterfall Model (XLSM 321KB)

Financial model

Affinity Water Ofwat Financial Model (XLSB 8.8MB)

PR19 data tables

PR19 Data Tables (XLSB 5.1MB)
PR19 Data Table Commentaries (PDF 3.6MB)


Appendix 1 - Business Plan Glossary (PDF 390KB)
Appendix A - Guidance Note (PDF 642KB)
Appendix B - WISER Report (PDF 829KB)
Appendix 2 - Our Track Record (PDF 1.7MB)
Appendix 3 – Listening to Customers and Stakeholders (PDF 44.3MB)
Appendix 4 – Our Outcomes and Performance Commitments (PDF 9.7MB)
Appendix 5 – Trading Procurement Code and Bid Assessment Framework (PDF 1.6MB)
Appendix 6 – Wholesale Technical Support Document (PDF 14.5MB)
Appendix 7 – Delivering Great Customer Service (PDF 3MB)
Appendix 8 – Our Community Approach (PDF 1.8MB)
Appendix 9 – Ensuring Long Term Resilience (PDF 5.5MB)
Appendix 10 – Ensuring Affordability and Financeability (PDF 11.3MB)
Appendix 11 – Governance and Assurance (PDF 4.7MB)

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