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You are here : Development Experience > Disconnection

You can submit an enquiry for a disconnection of service using our application form, please complete the sections relevant to your development.



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1. Application

Submit your application.

2. Confirmation

We confirm we received everything.

3. Design & survey

We work on the design & survey.

4. Confirmation

We send you confirmation of works.

5. Proceed?

You decide if you want to proceed.

  1. Submit your application for a disconnection of service, complete the sections that are applicable to you.
  2. We will confirm we have everything needed to answer your enquiry within 5 calendar days of receiving your application.
  3. We will design your disconnection which may include a site visit by a technician.
  4. We will send you a confirmation of works letter within 28 calendar days after receiving the full and complete information.
  5. Then you decide if you wish to proceed with the disconnection.

Request your disconnection

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1. Accept design

To proceed, you will need to accept the design that we have issued.

2. Ready for disconnection

Contact us when you're ready for the disconnection.

3. Planning team

Your application is passed to our planning team.

  1. After you have decided to go ahead with a the disconnection, complete the cost advice acceptance on the Portal.
  2. Advise us when you would like the disconnection to take place.
  3. We pass your application to our planning team.


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1. Application review

Our planning team checks your installation details.

2. Propose an installation date

We call you to propose an installation date.


3. Notify your retailer

Notify retailer of the connection date.

4. Works permit and conditions reviewed

We review the works permit and conditions.

5. Confirm date

We will confirm the installation date.

  1. Our planning team checks your application.
  2. Our planner will call you within 5 working days to propose an installation date. The date will be within 21 calendar days if there are no extraordinary conditions (we confirm in writing if your works are considered extraordinary). You can request a later installation date if this suits your build programme (if you do opt for this we confirm the date in writing).
  3. You must notify your Retailer at least 8 Business Days before the expected date of the new connection. Failure to notify the Retailer will mean the physical connection cannot be made by the Wholesaler.
  4. If required, we will apply to the Highways Authority for a Street Works permit and they have 3 Business Days to respond to us. The permit status is confirmed and any conditions are noted. If this affects your installation date we will contact you, otherwise we will confirm your date on our schedule.


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1. Site visit

We may visit the site before disconnection.

2. Team arrives

Our team arrives on site to start work.

3. Disconnection

Meter and boundary box is removed. Supply pipe capped.

4. Reinstatement

If required we will return to carry out a reinstatement.

  1. Our site agents may visit the area before their disconnection team arrives (you do not have to be present).
  2. On the scheduled day our disconnection team will arrive to start the work.
  3. Our disconnection team will remove the meter and boundary box, cap the supply pipe and remove the ferrule on the main. When everything is disconnected the team will leave site.
  4. If any reinstatement is required this will be completed no more than 3 working days after the disconnection work.
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