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You are here : About Affinity Water > Accreditation & Certification

We are dedicated to and focused on supplying high-quality drinking water and to ensure this we have implemented our quality policy and gained appropriate and relevant competency credentials for the work that we undertake.

We have implemented a supply chain management process - Achilles UVDB

Affinity Water uses Achilles UVDB, the UK utilities industry pre-qualification solution, to manage its supply chain. Many of the suppliers used by Affinity Water are Achilles UVDB qualified, providing our customers peace of mind that our environmental quality, and health & safety procedures are sufficient throughout our supply chain.

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Find out more about Achilles UVDB


We have company-wide certification

Our company-wide management system covering the abstraction, treatment, monitoring, distribution and supply of drinking water to regulatory standards undertaken by Affinity Water has been certified, by UKAS accredited certification body NQA, as complying with ISO 9001 for Quality Management, ISO 14001:2015 for Environmental Management, and ISO 45001:2018 for Health & Safety Management.

ISO9001-QM  ISO14001-EM  ISO14001-EM

Further information on certification and NQA


We have a UKAS accredited Laboratory

We also have our own laboratory that is accredited by UKAS to ISO17025:2005. This enables us to provide a variety of sampling and analytical services.

Full details of the scope of accreditation.

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