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The directors of Affinity Water Limited are shown below, including detailed biographies accessed by clicking their photographs. Where a director holds other directorships within the Affinity Water Group of companies, these companies are also listed and may be cross referenced to the relevant company shown on the structure chart.

Director membership of the following Board Committees is also listed in their biographies where relevant:

  • Audit, Risk and Assurance Committee
  • Remuneration Committee
  • Nomination Committee
  • Environmental, Social and Governance Committee


Chair (Non-executive)

Team Member Image Mike Brown CBE MVO, Chair, professional headshot

Mike Brown CBE MVO


Appointment to the Board: 14 October 2024

Director membership of Board Committees:
• Remuneration Committee
• Nomination Committee
• Environmental, Social and Governance Committee

Qualifications: He has an honorary Doctorate from the Queen's University of Belfast and is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts and of the Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport.

Mike is a double alumnus of Windsor Leadership having participated on the Experienced Leaders programme and Strategic Leaders Consultation.

Skills and career experience: Mike is the Chair of Restoration & Renewal Delivery Authority Ltd, Houses of Parliament established to manage the major programme of works to ensure that the Palace of Westminster is renewed and restored for future generations.

He is the Chair of the Rail Safety and Standards Board and is on the Board of Translink - Northern Ireland’s transport authority as well as being an Adviser and Independent Chair of the Shareholder Committee for Mott MacDonald.

He is passionate about the skills agenda, and led an apprenticeship task force for the previous government.

He was appointed a member of the Royal Victorian Order (MVO) in 2002 and as a Commander of the British Empire (CBE) in 2020.

Other directorships held within the Affinity Water Group: None

Independent non-executive directors

Team Member Image Shelley Malton, Independent Non-Executive Director, professional headshot

Shelley Malton

Independent non-executive director

Appointment to the Board:
1 December 2023

Director membership of Board Committees:

  • Nomination Committee
  • Remuneration Committee

Shelley is currently Director of Operations at Natwest Group plc. Previously she has held operational management roles at Vodafone plc, Experian plc, and Barclaycard.

Skills and career experience:

Shelley is a FTSE-30 operating Board level Managing Director, with a strong commercial focus delivering customer centricity, people leadership, cultural and transformational change.

Current External Appointments:
Shelley is an independent non-executive director at Allied Irish Bank UK PLC.

Other directorships held within the Affinity Water Group:

Team Member Image Chris Newsome, Independent Non-Executive Director, professional headshot

Chris Newsome

Independent non-executive director

Appointment to the Board:
24 January 2019

Appointed as the Non-Executive Director for Employee Engagement:
October 2022

Director membership of Board Committees:

  • Audit, Risk and Assurance Committee
  • Environmental, Social and Governance Committee (Chair)

Chris has a BSc in Civil Engineering from Loughborough University, an MBA from the Manchester Business School, and a post-graduate diploma in Structural Engineering from the University of Bradford.

Skills and career experience:

Chris has extensive experience across large, regulated infrastructure businesses and over 40 years’ experience within the water industry (at Yorkshire Water, Kelda Water, and more recently Anglian Water). He has a passion for carbon reduction and innovation and was awarded an OBE for services to Civil Engineering and Carbon Reduction in 2017.

Other current business interests:

Chris is a member of the Government’s Green Construction Board and Chairman of the Infrastructure Working Group driving down carbon in infrastructure assets. He is Past President and Board Member of the Institute of Asset Management, a director of UK Water Partnership Limited, and board adviser for Barhale Limited.

Other directorships held within the Affinity Water Group:

Team Member Image Justin Read, Independent Non-Executive Director, professional headshot

Justin Read

Independent non-executive director

Appointment to the Board:
14 July 2020

Appointed as the Senior Independent Non-Executive Director:
1 September 2024

Director membership of Board Committees:

  • Audit, Risk and Assurance Committee (Chair)
  • Remuneration Committee
  • Nomination Committee

Justin has an MBA from INSEAD in France and a BA and MA in Modern History from Oxford University.

Skills and career experience:

Before starting his non-executive career, Justin was CFO of SEGRO plc from 2011 to 2016, and Speedy Hire plc from 2008 to 2011. Previously, he had worked at Hanson plc, Disneyland Paris, and Bankers Trust Company. Justin has a wealth of financial and management experience working as an executive and non-executive across a number of different industry sectors in a wide variety of businesses both within the UK and internationally.

Other current business interests:

Justin is a Senior Independent Director and Chair of the Audit Committee and member of the Remuneration and Nomination Committees of Grainger PLC. He is also a Non-Executive Director and Chair of the Audit and Risk Committee and member of the Remuneration and Nomination Committees of Marshall of Cambridge (Holdings) Ltd.

Other directorships held within the Affinity Water Group:

Executive directors

Team Member Image Keith Haslett, Independent Non-Executive Director, professional headshot

Keith Haslett, CEO

Executive director

Appointment to the Board:
3 January 2023

Director membership of Board Committees:
Environmental, Social and Governance Committee

Skills and career experience:
Keith has a wealth of water industry experience in senior roles within PLC and Government utility businesses, including a Non-Executive Director role at water utility Tallinna Vesi in Estonia. He has spent a large part of his career in the water industry, at Northern Ireland Water, United Utilities, and Northumbrian Water.

Other interests:
Keith is from Northern Ireland and is married to his wife and has two sons. He enjoys spending time with his family, playing golf, and cooking in his spare time.

Other directorships held within the Affinity Water Group:

  • (2) Affinity Water Finance PLC
  • (3) Affinity Water Finance (2004) PLC
  • (4) Affinity Water Holdings Limited
Team Member Image

Adam Stephens

Chief Financial Officer

Appointment to the Board: 1 January 2025

Director membership of Board Committees: none

Skills and career experience: Adam has a wealth of experience in corporate finance and business strategy as well as extensive water-industry knowledge having previously held a number of senior finance roles at Severn Trent Plc, as well as Executive Director and Chief Financial Officer at Hafren Dyfrdwy which is a Water and Waste Water Company covering North and Mid-Wales (a subsidiary of Severn Trent).  Adam is a fellow of the ICAEW having trained as a Chartered Accountant with Deloitte, and is qualified with the Association of Corporate Treasurers.

Other interests: Adam is from the Midlands, and is married with one Daughter. He enjoys spending time with his family, cycling, running and cooking in his spare time.

Other directorships held within the Affinity Water Group:
(2) Affinity Water Finance PLC
(3) Affinity Water Finance (2004) PLC
(4) Affinity Water Holdings Limited
(7) Affinity Water East Limited
(6) Affinity Water Southeast Limited

Non-executive directors

Team Member Image Mike Osborne, Non-Executive Director, professional headshot

Mike Osborne

Non-executive director

Appointment to the Board: April 2022

Director membership of Board Committees:
Nomination Committee
Environmental, Social and Governance Committee

Career: Mike began his career in 2002 with Ernst & Young and then moved to Citi, where he advised on project financing, mergers and acquisitions and capital raising within the infrastructure sector, before joining Citi Infrastructure Investors in 2008. Mike was also an investment professional with Citi Infrastructure Investors, where he worked on asset management and a variety of acquisitions and divestments.

Skills and Experience: Mike is a Director at InfraRed Capital Partners. He spent six years with Corsair Capital as a Principal, where he also served as a director of Corsair portfolio companies Kelda Holdings (from 2013), its regulated subsidiary Yorkshire Water Services (from 2017), and Itínere Infraestructuras, a toll road platform in Spain (from 2014). He holds an MChem degree in chemistry from the University of Oxford.

Current External Appointments: Mike is also a director of High Speed One Limited.

Other directorships held within the Affinity Water Group:
(2) Affinity Water Finance PLC
(3) Affinity Water Finance (2004) PLC
(4) Affinity Water Holdings Limited
(5)Affinity Water Holdco Finance Limited
(9) Affinity Water Capital Funds Limited
(10) Daiwater Investment Limited

Team Member Image Roxana Tataru, Non-Executive Director, professional headshot

Roxana Tataru

Non-executive director

Appointment to the Board: July 2021

Director membership of Board Committees:
Audit, Risk and Assurance Committee
Remuneration Committee
Nomination Committee

Qualifications: Roxana holds a BSc in Management (Accounting and Finance) from Manchester Business School.

Skills and career experience: Roxana has a wealth of financial experience working in asset management, banking, finance and capital markets across the sector. Roxana is currently Vice President at Allianz Capital Partners where she focuses on the origination of investment opportunities across a variety of infrastructure sectors including regulated utilities, transportation and telecommunication, and is involved in the management of several portfolio companies. Roxana was previously at RBC Capital Markets where she performed various infrastructure M&A and financing advisory roles latterly as an Associate for the organisation.

Other current business interests: Roxana is an observer to the Board of Galp Gás Natural Distribuição, Portugal’s largest gas distribution network.

Other directorships held within the Affinity Water Group:
(2) Affinity Water Finance PLC
(3) Affinity Water Finance (2004) PLC
(4) Affinity Water Holdings Limited
(5) Affinity Water Holdco Finance Limited
(9) Affinity Water Capital Funds Limited
(10) Daiwater Investment Limited

Team Member Image Adam Waddington, Non-Executive Director, professional headshot

Adam Waddington

Non-executive director

Appointment to the Board: May 2023

Career: Adam Waddington is a Managing Director at DIF Capital Partners and head of the Portfolio team. Adam joined DIF in 2013 and has served as board member for a number of companies in the social, economic and renewables infrastructure spaces. This has included offshore and onshore wind, hospitals, roads, housing, and education projects. Adam established the Portfolio team at DIF to provide analytics, performance reporting and valuations across the range of DIF investments.

From 2006 to 2013, Adam developed investments in the PPP and regulated sectors at Babcock & Brown and subsequently Amber Infrastructure. On the regulated side this was within the OFTO (Offshore Transmission Operator) sector.

From 1997 to 2006, Adam initially worked in a boutique modelling and logistics consultancy followed by advisory work in the energy and utilities team at Andersen and subsequently Deloitte.

Adam graduated with a degree in Physics from Imperial College, London in 1996 and achieved award of the CFA designation in 2003.

Skills and career experience: Adam is an experienced infrastructure investment professional with a career spanning investment, asset management and valuation.

Current External Appointments: Adam is a director of DIF Infra 4 Ireland Limited since 2015.

Other directorships held within the Affinity Water Group:
(2) Affinity Water Finance PLC
(3) Affinity Water Finance (2004) PLC
(4) Affinity Water Holdings Limited
(5)Affinity Water Holdco Finance Limited
(9) Affinity Water Capital Funds Limited
(10) Daiwater Investment Limited

Group Company Secretary

Team Member Image Patrick Makoni, Non-Executive Director, professional headshot

Patrick Makoni

Group Company Secretary

Appointment as Group Company Secretary: 3 April 2023

Qualifications: Patrick is a qualified Chartered Company Secretary and an Associate of the Chartered Governance Institute (CGI). Patrick holds a BSc in Finance (Honours), an MSc in Corporate Governance and Leadership, and a Masters in Law. He is also a member of the Chartered Institute of Internal Auditors.

Skills and career experience: Patrick has a wealth of experience working with multi-structures and regulated entities within higher education, the charity sector, executive non-departmental public bodies, private and public sectors. He has demonstrable accomplished company secretarial technical skills including good working knowledge of the UK Companies Act and Corporate Governance Code. Patrick has previously served as a Governor at The Chalfonts Community College in Buckinghamshire and as Company Secretary, Director and Trustee of High Wycombe Citizens Advice Bureau.

Our executive leadership team

Chief Executive Officer
Keith Haslett
Chief Financial Officer
Adam Stephens
Director of Asset Strategy & Capital Delivery
Steve Plumb
Director of Customer Delivery
Anton Gazzard
Director of Customer Experience
Rebecca Froud
Director of Health, Safety & Estates
Joe Hall
Director of People and Culture
Emma Davies
Director of Regulation and Strategy
Liv Walton
Director of Technology and Transformation
Dean Garvey-North


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