Our environmental monitoring network covers more than 650 locations across our three regions. We regularly collect field data and undertake measurements including river flows, groundwater levels, river and lakes levels, rainfall and surface water quality parameters.
Why do we do this?
We collect this data to help ensure we have a good understanding of the environment within the areas we operate. The data helps us to understand and quantify the effects of our groundwater abstractions on local aquifers and rivers. We also use this information to assess water resources and inform water resource management.
How is the data being collected?
We visit the sites at regular intervals, undertaking a variety of field measurements, as well as downloading data from loggers. The loggers are installed in key monitoring locations and maintained to ensure they continue recording water levels and temperature.

Monitoring water levels in a borehole/downloading a logger (left), Measuring river flows (right).
What do we do with the data?
Once we have collected the data, we add this to our database and undertake a quality assurance process.
What is the Environmental Data Web Portal?
The Web Portal is a browser-based information and data presentation system. This is an open source of information to quality assured environmental data, available to all.
The portal is available every day between 7am-11pm.

How to use the web portal
Navigating the portal
Exporting data