Join our free Priority Services Register (PSR)
It helps us identify customers who may need extra help with communication, access, physical, or mental health needs.
Here are the services we offer:
- Visually impaired – We offer bills and communications in Braille, large print or as a CD. You can also adjust this website's colours to suit your needs.
- Hearing difficulties – Relay UK. This is a free service that converts speak to text, allowing you to speak or type your conversation online and over the phone.
- Medical Conditions – If you have a medical condition that means you use lots of water, you can join our register. We may deliver water to you during a supply interruption.
- Elderly or have young children - If you or someone close to you is over 65, or if you have children under five, we may deliver water to you during a supply interruption.
- Password scheme – Register for our password scheme, so you can tell if our staff are genuine when they visit you. They must provide the password before entering your property.
- Physical or mental health needs – If you or someone you know is facing physical or mental health difficulties, let us know and we'll ensure any information you share is treated with sensitivity.
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Privacy Notice
Please see our privacy notice for the Priority Service Register below.
Our Priority Services are designed to provide alternative support for customers with specific needs, ensuring you get the assistance you require. Whether you need help managing your account, alternative form of communication, or extra assistance during a power cut, we’re here for you.