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You are here : About Affinity Water > Plans > Water trading

Managing our water resources, demand management and leakage services

Affinity Water is, in principle, willing to trade with any party that either wishes to take from us, or offer to us, a reasonable volume of reliable, sustainable and cost effective water resources. It is also willing to trade with third-party providers of leakage and other demand management services to ensure the appropriate sourcing of these services for our Water Resources Management Plan.

As part of the PR19 methodology, Ofwat has signalled that incumbents are required to publish a Bid Assessment Framework (BAF) to support the bidding market for these services by ensuring transparency of our process to identify opportunities for trading and establishing a clear framework through which solutions will be procured for such opportunities.

As part of the PR19 determination, our BAF was submitted with our PR19 Business Plan on 11 July 2019. The schematic below shows the relationship between WRMP, the Market Information Tables, Trading & Procurement Code and BAF.

A schematic diagram showing the relationship between WRMP, the Market Information Tables, Trading & Procurement Code and BAF.

You can access a number of these documents below:

Water Resource Management Plan 2019 (PDF 8.8MB)
Water Resource Planning (WRP) Tables 2020 - 2080
Trading and Procurement Code (PDF 519KB)
Bid Assessment Framework (PDF 1.99MB)

One of the key elements of our Bid Assessment Framework is the establishment of a new Water Trading Portal to act as repository for information, publicise opportunities and serve as a single point of reference for potential bidders. We are committed to being at the frontier in promoting innovative methods and models to drive efficiency in the provision of these services in the increasingly water scarce south-east and see this Portal as a key enabler in these markets.

As these markets develop, the Portal will evolve and whilst this is under development we felt it was important to include placeholders for processes and procedures as they become available.

Our Bid Assessment Framework includes:

  • Disputes Procedure
  • Evaluation Criteria

We'd like to hear from you

Whilst this is being developed we are continually looking for new and innovative ways in which we can meet our vision, which is to be the leading community-focused water company in the UK and would like to hear from you if:

  • You're in possession of a licence to abstract water which is not in use or is not utilised to capacity;
  • Have a borehole or asset on your land/site where abstraction of water for public consumption is potentially viable that you would consider selling. This could be an asset that you're currently not using or you're likely to cease using in the future;
  • You're developing technology which aims to reduce the usage of water at home or business
  • Could provide leakage services

If you meet any of the criteria above please let us know.

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