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At Affinity Water, we believe that value goes beyond just money. We take a multi-capitals approach to our business. This means we look at all the different assets we have - like natural resources, people, and innovation - to make decisions that benefit everyone.

We're making sure we're doing everything we can to protect the environment and support our customers. Our framework includes six different capitals that guide our decision making:

  • Financial - our financial health and efficiency
  • Manufactured - our pipes, water works and offices
  • Natural - the materials and services we rely on from the local environment
  • Human - our people and wellbeing
  • Intellectual - our knowledge, innovation and partnerships
  • Social - our relationships, trust and contribution to society.

We're keeping an eye on our progress with short, medium, and long-term goals. That's why we're developing a multi-capital value framework that includes metrics and KPIs. We know that our approach needs to match our values, so we're communicating these in a transparent way via our website. That way, we can update it with new information whenever we get it.

Step 1 - understand stocks and pathways, Step 2 - quantify, step 3 - value

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