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Thank you to everyone who took part in the consultation on our draft Water Resources Management Plan (WRMP).
We’re pleased to announce that, following approval by the Secretary of State for the Environment, Steve Reed, we’ve now published our final Water Resources Management Plan 2024 (WRMP24).
Our WRMP24 outlines these key aspects:
Abstraction reductions & environmental goals
Demand management & population growth
Infrastructure connectivity & strategic schemes
New supply sources & strategic water transfers
Costs, affordability & customer support
Carbon & nature-based solutions
Why is our WRMP important?
Our WRMP aims to address a significant future shortfall in water resources in our supply area.
Population growth, climate change and the demand for water are putting significant pressure on the local environment and water resources in our supply area.
Without action – the area we supply faces a possible shortfall of 449 million litres a day by 2050. We want to hear what customers and stakeholders think about our draft plan to help us shape our final plan which we will publish in Autumn 2023.
Every five years, we produce a WRMP that addresses these future challenges and provides a roadmap for a reliable, resilient, sustainable, efficient and affordable water supply to customers between 2025 and 2075, whilst taking care of the local environment.
The actions include reducing customer demand, driving leakage down further than ever before, smart metering and significant investment in new infrastructure for new sources of water - working across the water industry to plan and share resources regionally. The plan will also make the region's water supplies more resilient to droughts, which are becoming more frequent due to climate change.