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Climate change is a significant risk to our business and the communities we serve. We're taking action to ensure we can adapt and mitigate against the potential effects.
Have you ever wondered how climate change will affect us? Well, we're already feeling the effects of climate change through extreme weather. In the future, we can expect even more changes, like warmer and wetter winters, hotter and drier summers, and more intense weather conditions.
What will happen in the future?
In the future, the UK may see changes, such as:
Winters are between 1 and 4.5°C warmer
Winters are up to 30% wetter
Summers are between 1 and 6°C warmer
Summers are up to 60% drier, depending on the region
Hot summer days are between 4 and 7°C warmer
ARP4 - Adaptation reporting power
Previous documents - ARP3