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You are here : About Affinity Water > Plans > Drought management plan

Every five years we produce a Drought Management Plan which outlines the actions we would take during a drought. This replaces our previous Drought Management Plan which was published in 2018.

How could this affect you?

Every five years we produce a Drought Management Plan which outlines the actions we would take during a drought. This includes actions to reduce demand, such as when we would ask our customers to use less water, either voluntarily or through temporary use restrictions, depending on the severity of the situation. In severe droughts, we can also apply for drought permits or drought orders to take more water from underground aquifers, or further limit water use if necessary.


The plan

Please find below our Drought Management Plan and the associated documents:


National security

Our Drought Management Plan 2023 follows guidance outlined in Defra SEMD Advice Note AN11. No information has been excluded from the plan on the grounds of national security.

The Environmental Assessment Reports (EARs) relating to our drought permits contain site specific information relating to our operational assets, so these are not available online. Paper copies of these reports are available to view at our head office in Hatfield, and summaries of the EARs are included within the main Drought Management Plan document.

Find out more about current groundwater levels here.

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