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Working with Affinity Water

Affinity Water (AWL) works closely with contracted suppliers. This helps us ensure the best value for the delivery of works, goods, and services. Tender processes are followed to make sure AWL contracts with the appropriate suppliers. AWL Category Managers work directly with contracted suppliers to manage specific spend areas.

Our Procurement governance rules

The Utilities Contract Regulations 2016 (UCR) establish procurement rules across the UK utilities sector. These apply to purchases above defined spend thresholds. The purpose of the directives is to open up utility procurement and ensure the free movement of supplies, services, and works.

The directives apply common principles of transparency, open competition, and sound procedural management to contract award procedures.

Where a requirement is identified, AWL will consider the estimated total contract value to determine a route to market.

Advertising Opportunities

For requirements in excess of £50k, AWL often uses the Achilles Vendor Database to identify potential suppliers. Where applicable, suppliers may need to register with Achilles UVDB and obtain a Verify accreditation. This depends on the goods and/or services they supply. This'll typically apply to high-risk suppliers who'll be carrying out works on-site, whether supervised or not. AWL will not meet or reimburse any of the costs incurred by suppliers in registering with Achilles UVDB or gaining Verify accreditation.

Pre-qualification Questionnaire (PQQ)

A pre-qualification questionnaire may be sent to shortlist suppliers prior to tenders being issued. Typically, the questionnaire will ask for information about suppliers to assess relevant previous experience and capability.

Invitation to Tender (ITT) or Request for Quotation (RFQ)

These are common terms for the full tender document, which includes specifications and a request for prices and will assess the quality and cost aspects of the proposed solution. Suppliers should ensure they submit their tenders by the stipulated deadline(s).

Evaluation of Tenders

Tenders received by AWL are evaluated and scored. This is according to a set of pre-determined criteria, usually by a panel of key stakeholders. The suppliers may be asked for further clarification at this stage, and tender interviews may also be required.

Award of Contract

Our award criteria will be specified in the tender documents. Tenderers will be notified of the award of the contract. For any tenders over the UCR threshold, a 10-day standstill period will apply prior to entering into the contract(s).

Terms and Conditions

When working with AWL, we expect our suppliers to adhere to our relevant policies, procedures, and codes of conduct. AWL uses both model forms of contract and our own standard terms and conditions, which are shared with potential suppliers to price against as part of the tender process. All other purchases are made on AWL standard terms and conditions.

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