Bob Winnington has 30 years' experience in the Banking Sector, including a diverse range of positions within Lending Control, Relationship Management, Area/Regional Management and Senior Service Management. He combines this with many years' experience as a Customer Service Strategy Consultant working across a range of sectors including over six years at the Institute of Customer Service as a National Account Director.
Bob joined the Money Advice Liaison Group in 2016 since which time he has led a transition of the not-for-profit membership organisation to develop an engaging, inclusive and diverse business with a strong focus on working together to support the lives of people in problem debt”. MALG is an agile organisation passionate about meeting and developing the needs of its members in a rapidly changing world. This has led to the establishment of a strong virtual presence alongside the provision of national and regional face to face events and meetings.
Bob is proud to be a member of the Affinity Water ICG and is keen to work with all those involved in the money advice and personal debt arena to collaborate on 'game changing' solutions that don't just meet the immediate needs of consumers today. This includes the increasing challenge of supporting vulnerable customers and addressing the long term eradication of problem debt through the proactive and meaningful use of inclusive technology.