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  • You are here : At Home > Your water bill > Understanding your water bill

    Learn more about your water bill, why prices are going up, and the financial support we can offer

    We have an easy guide to help you understand your bill. To see if you're metered or non-metered, check the top of your bill or you can register or log in to your My Account.

    Frequently asked questions
    about your water bill

    Have your prices changed?

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    Our clean water supply tariff is reviewed annually and approved by Ofwat, our regulator. From 1 April 2025, there will be an increase. Find out more about the price increase here

    What's rateable value?

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    Non-metered charges are based on Rateable Values.

    Rateable Values are set by the Valuation Office of the Inland Revenue and are loosely based on what the average rental value of your property would be, so the higher the rateable value the more likely it is that you will be charged. We or any other water company cannot change this value.

    More information about Rateable Value can be found on our regulator OFWAT’s website.

    I can't afford my bill. How can you help?

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    If you've had a sudden life change and need some time to get back on your feet, we may be able to arrange a payment break.

    You can spread the cost of your bill with a flexible payment plan.

    If you’re receiving benefits, such as Job Seeker’s Allowance, Pension Credit, or Universal Credit, you may be eligible for a reduced bill. For more information, please visit our Help to Pay page.

    What should I do if I have a question about my bill or account

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    If you have any questions regarding your account, you can view, pay, and get help with your bills online by using Affinity Water, My Account. My Account is the quickest and easiest way to manage your account online. Alternatively, you can contact our billing team.

    Will my Direct Debit increase?

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    Your Direct Debit may automatically increase if your bill goes up.

    If you have a metered bill, your Direct Debit may be increased to make sure you have enough money in your account to pay the next bill. This is called a Budget Review.

    The updated Direct Debit amounts will be shown on your bill.

    Do I have to pay the full amount on the bill?

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    If you don’t have a payment plan in place, you’ll need to pay the full amount on your bill by the due date. To make things easier, you can set up a Direct Debit to split your payments over the year. Simply log in or register for My Account

    Why is my metered bill so high?

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    Your water bill might go up for various reasons, and some of the most common ones are:

    • More people than usual staying in your home
    • New appliances that use more water, such as a power shower or garden sprinkler
    • Problems with your toilet, taps, showerheads, boiler, or radiator
    • Leaks through your overflow pipe or internal pipes
    • Home renovations that use more water

    Find out more why your bill might be high.

    What happens if I have an outstanding balance on my account?

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    If you have an outstanding balance on your account, we may contact you to help set up a payment plan. Sometimes, we need to ask a debt collection agency to help arrange a plan that you can afford. The debt collection agency works independently, and we don't control how they operate, but we’re here to support you through the process and ensure a fair and manageable arrangement.

    If your account is overdue, it could affect your credit rating. Find out how we share your information with credit agencies.

    Do you share my data with credit reference agencies?

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    We exchange personal data with credit reference agencies to maintain accurate records, prevent fraud, and identify customers at risk of debt. This helps us manage debt and keep prices lower for everyone. Paying your bill on time can positively impact your credit rating.

    Find out more about how we share data with Credit Reference Agencies and what this means for you.

    Financial support

    Get help with paying your bill

    If you’re struggling to pay your bill, we’re here to support you. You can set up a payment plan to spread your payments or explore our schemes, like applying for a reduced bill, a bill cap scheme, and many other options.

    Get help and support

    Priority Services

    Priority Services - extra support when you need it

    If you or someone you know needs extra help with communication, access, physical, or mental health needs, you can join our Free Priority Services Register (PSR).

    Sign up for Priority Services

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