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I've used an approved contractor with permission to dig on public highway (section 50 licence) and can connect to the boundary stop tap.

Once the work is complete including the connection to the boundary stop tap and internal stop tap, send in the certification to our Network Regulations team.

What happens next?

They’ll review certification and validate, if there are any concerns our regs team will be in touch for further information. If we’re happy with the information, our contact centre will call to book an appointment with a technician to attend and raise follow on works. However, if you have not met the required standards, our regs team will contact you to discuss the next steps.

Fill out our form below, or send an email to:

And include:

  • Your name
  • Address
  • Email address
  • Contact number
  • Attach photo of certificate

The picture below shows how the pipe should be installed by an approved contractor with a section 50 licence

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