We are looking to develop options for a river improvement project along the River Ver which is a globally rare chalk stream. We have identified a 2km stretch of river from upstream of Redbournbury Mill to Redbourn Road (near Bow Bridge), which we believe has the potential for river improvements.
We will be working very closely with landowners and residents in this area, as well as other key stakeholders including the Ver Valley Society, Hertfordshire and Middlesex Wildlife Trust, the Environment Agency and Hertfordshire County Council. We are keen to hear and respond to our stakeholders’ views and thoughts about the river in this area when developing potential options.
This project will be exploring options to overcome several challenges along this section of the River Ver including barriers to fish passage, siltation and historical river alterations which have meant some stretches have lost their natural path and connection to the groundwater. We are looking to create a design which improves chalk stream characteristics including clear gravel beds, pools and riffles. We also want to create a design which enables fish passage, and improves resilience to high and low river flows.

Redbournbury Mill Looking downstream from Redbournbury Mill
Irish Weir Just upstream of Redbourn Road (near Bow Bridge)
For more information please contact melissa.ahmet@affinitywater.co.uk