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Bespoke Environmental Incentives

The Environmental Incentives Common Framework (EICF) enables water companies to establish bespoke environmental incentives. In line with our commitment to supporting local communities and the environment, we are proud to offer our customers the ambitious bespoke Water Neutral tier.


What is a water neutral property?

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A water-neutral property does not increase overall water demand in its water resource zone. This is achieved by:

  1. Designing the property to be as water efficient as possible.
  2. Offsetting the remaining water demand through water savings at existing properties.


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To qualify for the bespoke Water Neutral tier, you must first meet the requirements of our Premium tier. Additionally, you must install water-saving devices at five existing properties to offset demand in the water resource zone.

Offsetting demand

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Water savings must come from the same water supply zone as the new property being connected to our network. These savings are achieved by retrofitting water-saving devices in existing premises.

Our methodology for calculating offsets is as follows:

  • Properties in the Premium tier must meet the requirement of 80 litres or less per person per day.
  • Assuming an average occupancy of 2.4 persons per property, this equals 192 litres per property per day to offset.
  • Retrofitting water-saving devices in existing properties achieves an average saving of 38 litres per property per day.
  • By retrofitting five properties, a total saving of 190 litres per day is achieved, effectively offsetting the demand of the new property.

Evidencing and audit

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New-build properties will be audited in line with our Environmental Incentives auditing and compliance process to ensure compliance with the Premium tier.

For retrofitted properties, you must provide evidence within seven working days of installation. This evidence should include:

  • Details of the premises addresses.
  • A list of water-saving devices installed.

Water-saving devices must be installed and operational—not merely supplied to the residents.

Affinity Water retains the right to audit any retrofitted premises. If audits reveal non-compliance, we reserve the right to withhold incentive payments or recover payments already issued.

Please note any non-compliance will be subject to penalty measures as set in Deterrence and Penalty Measures.


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The Bespoke Environmental Incentive payment is contingent upon:

  1. Demonstrating compliance with the Premium incentive tier.
  2. Completing retrofitting of five properties per new property applying for the bespoke Water Neutral tier.
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