Preventing the introduction and spread of Invasive Non Native Species (INNS)
INNS Out is a programme to support partnership projects that work towards preventing the introduction and spread of INNS especially where they have a detrimental impact on waterbodies or designated sites.

Invasive Non Native Species (INNS) are species that have been introduced by people (deliberately or accidentally) and are having a negative impact on the economy, wildlife and/or habitats. INNS threaten native species by spreading harmful diseases, out-competing for resources, or damaging a natural ecosystem.
We're committed to protecting and enhancing the species and habitats on our sites and across the catchments in which we operate. As part of this commitment, we've set up the INNS Out scheme to support projects which prevent the introduction or spread of INNS where such projects will prevent the deterioration of a waterbody or reduce the threat to an environmentally designated site.
The purpose of the scheme is to enable local organisations, community groups or individuals from the public, private, voluntary and education sectors to address INNS risks within the catchments where we operate. Multi-stakeholder applications are also encouraged as combining interests, resources and capabilities will improve environmental outcomes.
Applications for the scheme are open
Deadline: Applications will close on Friday, 24 January 2025, at 23:59.
Please read our terms and conditions.
We're supporting projects that are:
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- Preventing the introduction and/or spread of INNS.
- In an environmentally designated site or along a waterbody within the catchments in which Affinity Water operate.
- Contributing towards achieving Water Framework Directive objectives. To check the WFD status of your waterbody click here.
- Asking for funding support up to £5000 for standard projects
- Asking for funding support up to £10,000 for catchment wide schemes. (Note: a catchment scheme should be coordinated and submitted by a host or organisation on behalf of the whole catchment and therefore only one application should be submitted per catchment)
- Asking for volunteer support from the Affinity Water volunteer network
Examples of projects could be:
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- Volunteers required for a ‘Balsam Bashing’ event (or similar).
- Help in organising volunteer events.
- Educational resources or training to identify and treat INNS.
- Equipment for INNS treatment and removal.
- Biosecurity initiatives to stop the introduction/spread of INNS. For example, signage and biosecurity infrastructure.
- Costs associated with the control, treatment, and removal of INNS
- Training for INNS treatment such as the spraying of Japanese Knotweed.
Suggested funding
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Project type |
Suggested resource |
Creation of educational resources |
£1 - £1500 |
Equipment for treatment - (E.g. gloves for balsam pulling to canoes for pennywort removal) |
£200 - £2500 |
Training for licences |
£200 - £2500 |
Specialist treatment/removal
- Crayfish traps
- Giant Hogweed treatment
£1000 - £3000 |
Catchment wide partnership projects.
Note: a catchment scheme should be coordinated and submitted by a host or organisation on behalf of the whole catchment and therefore only one application should be submitted per catchment
Up to £10,000 |
Volunteer Days
- We will endeavour to provide you with volunteers for your volunteer events, made up of Affinity Water staff, contractors, or partners.
- Volunteering events must be on weekdays (Monday – Friday)
- We will require at least two weeks’ notice of any volunteer events in order to advertise internally and numbers for events will depend on staff availability
Minimum of 1 volunteer event will be attended if requested