Interruption to your water supply - Guildford - GU4
Friday 21st March 2025

Your water should be back on now
We’re really sorry for the problems with your water today. We’ve fixed the broken valve and you’ll see your water flowing back to normal soon.
Appearance of your water
If your water is discoloured or cloudy, don’t worry this is normal. We know it doesn’t look nice, but it’s not harmful and you can help by running your cold tap until it’s clear. To find out more, please click here.
We updated this message at 15:50 and we'll remove it after 19:50
What's happened so far
(15:45) All works are complete and your water should be back to normal.
(14:30) Customers may notice lower pressure than usual while the pipes are flushing, this will be complete in 45 minutes.
(13:00) The repair has been complete, all water will be back on and the technician is onsite to flush and sample the main to reduce the amount of sediment in your water.
(10:40) The water main has been shut to complete the repair.
(09:50) Technician on route to investigate.