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Interruption to your water supply - Wembley - HA9

Wednesday 12th March 2025

Repair complete icon

Your water should be back to normal

We’re really sorry for the problems with your water today. We’ve fixed the broken fire hydrant and you’ll see your water flowing back to normal soon.

Appearance of your water

If your water is discoloured or cloudy, don’t worry this is normal. We know it doesn’t look nice, but it’s not harmful and you can help by running your cold tap until it’s clear. To find out more, please click here.

We updated this message at 19:30 and we'll remove it at 8:00am tomorrow 

What's happened so far

(19:25) Repairs complete and pressure is back to normal.

(17:00) The main has been throttled meaning customers in the area will have low pressure and some will have no water.

(14:00) The team on site requested a shut to the mains.


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