Interruption to supply - Southall - UB2
Thursday 30th January 2025
Low pressure
We're sorry if you have lower water pressure than normal. There is a burst main on Addington Close which may be causing this.
What we’re doing
Our repair team have stayed on Addington Close and are continuing to repair the burst water main. As soon as we know how much longer this will take, we’ll let you know.
What you can do
Until we’ve sorted this, if at any stage you do have lower pressure or no water, please avoid using your:
- Washing machine
- Dishwasher
- Electrical appliances that use water
If you still have water, we recommend you put some in your kettle or fridge for drinking in case your water needs switching off for the repair.
We’re really sorry about this, we’re working to get your water back to normal as soon as possible.
We updated this message at 20:00 and we'll update it again after 22:00
What's happened so far
Thursday 30th January
(22:00) Repairs still going
(19:15) The technicians have restored the pressure and the leak has stopped, the valve installation and further repairs are still ongoing.
(18:35) The repairs are still ongoing, and pressure is still expected to be low. The team is currently attempting to isolate the main, if fails they will fit a hydrant to stop the leak.
(14:10) The mains have been throttled again, lowering the pressure.
(09:05) Repairs are continuing but pressure should be back to normal.
(09:00) The main was throttled to start the mains burst repair.