Interruption to your water supply - Barnet - EN5
Sunday 19th January 2025
Low pressure in Barnet
We're sorry if you have lower pressure than normal.
Though we have completed our repairs to the burst water main which caused this, we have further routine checks to complete to allow us to put the repaired water main back into service. We are flushing water from the affected pipe outside 1400 High Road in order to clear the section of damaged pipework.
Until this work is completed, our local customers are being supplied by water diverted around the affected section of pipework, and may continue to notice slightly lower water pressure than usual during this time. This is because the water is taking a longer route than normal to reach you.
We anticipate the repaired main will be turned back on early this week, and will provide further updates as soon as they are available.
To find out if your streets affected, please click here
We're working hard to return your water supply back to normal, and thank you for your patience.
We added this message at 02:00 on 20th January, and we'll update this page as soon as we have further information.
What’s happened so far?
19th January 2024
(23:59) Secondary burst repair completed, aftercare works taking place to allow pipe to be entered back in to service.
(18:00) Teams now in process of cutting out pipe of second burst and replacing with new pipe.
(16:45) First mains burst has been repaired, teams now working on digging out the rest of the ground around the second burst ready for cut out.
(15:20) Split mains has been cut out and is being replaced, another team is digging up another part of the mains as a second burst has been located.
(13:20) Team advised that 3 meters of the pipe needs to be cut out and replaced in order to repair the burst mains.
(12:25) Team have advised that it looks to be a long split underneath the main, team to dig out more ground to confirm length of split.
(10:15) Traffic Management have set up and team are digging to expose burst mains.
(08:35) Traffic Management and JCB have arrived.
(07:35) Dig team have arrived.
(07:05) Rezoning has been put into place so all properties will have water, albeit at low pressure.
(06:55) Mains has been shut, team has been requested for repairs.
(06:50) Mains burst has been located on Great North Road.
(06:35) Reports of mains burst have started to come in.
(06:00) Technicians on route to area.