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During the warm weather, there’s always a huge increase in demand for water, and our business customers are some of our highest users.

This can lead to low water pressure or supply interruptions because it’s not possible to move such a high volume of water through the pipes quickly enough.

If you're experiencing low water pressure at the moment, please see our alerts page to see which areas are currently affected.

How we're working to meet demand

We’ve invested heavily in our pumps and pipes to move water around our network more efficiently and get water to where it’s needed most during high demand periods.

We’re reducing leaks and making sure our storage reservoirs are at capacity before any spike in temperatures and demand hits the network.

And we’re giving you, and all our customers, the tools and information you need to waste less water and help protect your local streams this summer.

How you can help

To make sure everyone has enough water for essential use, we’re asking you for help.

There are a few small things you can do, that would have a massive impact, not only on your own water supply, but for your local environment too.

  • Reduce non-essential usage where possible, particularly at peak times in the morning and evening. (7am – 11am and 4pm – 11pm).
  • Customers with irrigation systems, sports pitches, golf greens or similar surfaces should set timers to water these outside the current peak demand times e.g., 1am - 4am, or preferably avoid using these if there’s any long periods of hot weather. This would greatly reduce the demand on our network.
  • Check for leaks on your network.
  • Stop urinals and automated systems running overnight when not required.
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