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Your details

Your suggestion

If your enquiry type is ‘supply’, please provide further information regarding;

  • Location
  • Type; borehole or abstracted from stream
  • Amount of water available to abstract
  • Consistent or intermitted supply?
  • Is there any infrastructure attached? e.g. storage, treatment, pipes etc.
  • The age of the asset

If your enquiry type is ‘demand’, please provide further information regarding;

  • A summary of the product/device
  • How the product/device works
  • The intended savings of the product/device

Your contact details


Data protection: The information you provide may be used by Affinity Water to provide you with water services, give you information about your water supply and manage your account; including the collection and recovery of charges. We also collect charges on behalf of Thames Water and Anglian Water who provide sewerage services in our supply area. Read our full privacy policy.

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